Overview of Managing Benefit Enrollments in the Integrated Workbook

You can enroll participants in various programs, plans, and options using the integrated Microsoft Excel workbook. You can also designate dependents and beneficiaries in participant-enrolled plans.

The high-level process for managing benefit enrollments using the integrated workbook is:

  1. Prepare and upload data to interim table, resolving any identified workbook errors.

  2. Upload enrollments batch to database tables, resolving any identified processing errors.

Preparing and Uploading Enrollment Workbook Data to Interim Tables

You can process multiple life events by entering different effective dates in different workbook rows to handle successive historical changes for an individual. This preserves and uploads legacy historical data.

The Upload Benefit Enrollments batch process uses the effective date when:

  • Fetching person details

  • Validating dependents

  • Processing participant life events

The basic process for preparing and uploading workbook data to interim tables is:

  1. Generate the workbook.

  2. Create a batch of enrollment data.

  3. Upload edits into the interim database table.

  4. Resolve workbook data errors.

The details of this process are covered in the Uploading Enrollment Workbook Data to Interim Tables: Procedure topic.

Uploading Enrollments Batch to Database Tables

After you upload your changes to an interim database, you run the Upload Benefit Enrollments batch process.

The participant enrollment portion of this batch process:

  1. Creates a potential life event

  2. Processes this life event

  3. Creates enrollments

  4. Populates rates and coverage amounts

  5. Closes life events

The basic process for uploading workbook data to the application tables with the batch process is:

  1. Run the Upload Benefit Enrollments batch process.

  2. Download the enrollment processing results and fix any errors.

  3. Review the results and reprocess.

The details of this process are covered in the Uploading Benefit Enrollments Batch to Database Tables: Procedure topic.