How You Manage Tasks After the Open Enrollment Closes

Now that your open enrollment period is closed, you're ready to perform the following tasks in the production instance.

  • Verify enrollment.

  • Investigate incorrect enrollments.

  • Close action items and certifications.

  • Enter overrides.

  • Inactivate plans that are no longer offered.

  • Process intervening life events that occur after the open enrollment period.

Verify Enrollment

Generate the Participant Enrollment Results report in the Reports and Analytics work area and compare it with the same report that you generated before you opened enrollment.

Use the preenrollment and postenrollment reports as well as the reports on the Life Events tab of the Evaluation and Reporting work area to verify that:

  • Participants are no longer enrolled in plans that aren't offered in the new plan year

  • Eligibility evaluated correctly

  • Rates and premiums changes are reflected for the new plan year

  • Default plan and option enrollments processed correctly

  • Coverage restarted for flexible spending plans

  • Enrollment included any other plan configuration changes

  • Element entry values are correct for benefit elements

Also verify interim assignments and suspensions, action items and certifications, payroll results, and third-party interfaces.

Investigate Incorrect Elections

For any elections that failed during open enrollment:

  • Analyze the issue to determine if the failure occurred for one participant, many, or all.

  • Review the setup of the benefit objects involved to determine if there:

    • Was an oversight in making plan configuration changes

    • Were incorrect data on an employee

Close Action Items and Certifications

To indicate that participants have fulfilled outstanding action items and certifications:

  1. On the Enrollments page in the Benefits Service Center page, click Manage Enrollment Activities to open the Manage Enrollment Activities page.

  2. Depending on what item the participant is fulfilling, select the election and in the Enrollment Activities section enter and save the:

    • Dependent or beneficiary information

    • Received date for the certification

  3. On the Action Items tab, confirm that your action or certification shows as completed and the date of completion.

  4. To close unresolved action items and certifications, in the Evaluation and Reporting work area run the Manage Action Items process.

Note: The application doesn't process the next life event until all unresolved action items for the prior life event are resolved, even if the prior life event has a Closed status.

Enter Overrides

In the Benefits Service Center page, use the following tasks:




Eligibility Override

Maintain override information for a potential participant who's otherwise ineligible for a particular program or plan.

  • A few employees live outside of a service area, but work inside the service area and your provider allows for this eligibility override.

  • Special approval has been given to continue coverage for dependents who exceed the plan age limits.

Enrollment Override

Override election information.

You might have to override eligibility first, to specify that a participant can enroll in a plan or option for which the participant was originally ineligible.

  • An employee received a special rate for a certain length of time.

  • Certain retirees have grandfathered rates that you don't want to change during the annual open enrollment.

Caution: Exercise caution when you override eligibility or enrollment so that the enrollment record doesn't extend indefinitely, for example, when you terminate an employee. Ensure that you enter the through date when you override eligibility, and the coverage end date, when you override an enrollment record.

Inactivate Plans That Are No Longer Offered

To inactivate plans:

  1. Disenroll all participants from the plans and options that are no longer offered.

  2. Verify in the Plan Configuration work area that these plans and options inactivate at the start of the new plan year.

For any plans and options that you haven't already scheduled to inactivate:

  1. Set the session effective date to the first day of the new plan year.

  2. Change the status to Inactive.

Process Intervening Life Events That Occur After the Open Enrollment Period

You must act on any intervening life events that might occur after an open enrollment period, and before the start date of the new plan year.

Example: A participant experiences an address change life event after the open enrollment period. As a result, the participant:

  • Might no longer be eligible for the elections made during the open enrollment period

  • Might be eligible for other offerings

The benefits administrator must:

  1. Process the intervening life event and allow it to back out the open event.

  2. Ask the participant to make necessary elections if required.

  3. Reprocess the open event as of any date within the open enrollment period if the intervening life event affects the eligibility of the open enrollment elections.

  4. Work with the participant to make or update elections using the Benefits Service Center page.