Remove Incorrect Person Data in Non-Production Environments

You use the Delete Person Benefits diagnostic report to remove incorrect data for a person in a nonproduction environment.

You need to first run the report in the Validation mode. Then, you run it in the Commit mode. In the Validation mode, you get to review the person’s life event data. It also generates an authorization key. Then, you run the report in the Commit mode by using the authorization key to remove the data permanently.
  1. Click the signed in user's icon, and click Run Diagnostics Tests in the Troubleshooting section.
  2. Search for and run the Delete Person Benefits Diagnostic Test report using these parameters:
    Field Details
    Person Number Enter the person number whose data you want to view.
    Commit Mode N, to indicate that you don't want to commit the data.
    Authorization Key Leave this field empty.
    Delete Benefit Relations N, to indicate that you don't want to delete benefits relationships at this time.
  3. When the report is available, click the Report icon, and make a note of the authorization key. You need this key when you run the report again, in the commit mode to delete the data.
    Note: The authorization key is valid only for 1 hour.
  4. Search for and run the Delete Person Benefits Diagnostic Test report using these parameters:
    Field Details
    Person Number Enter the person number whose data you want to delete.
    Commit Mode Y, to indicate that you want to commit the data.
    Authorization Key Enter the authorization key that you received when you ran the report in the validation mode.
    Delete Benefit Relations Enter Y only if you want to delete the data from the benefits relationship tables too. Otherwise, enter N.
  5. When the report is available, click the Report icon to see the summary of data that you deleted.