Examples of Loading Market Data Career Level, Career Stream, and Other Level

Here are examples of how you can load the Market Data Career Level, Market Data Career Stream, and Market Data Other Level objects using HCM Data Loader. A supplier of market data, such as Hay, supplies the object data.

Load Market Data Career Level

Here's how you can load three Market Data Career Level objects. The file identifies these objects using source keys.

MERGE|MktCareerLevel|VISION|CL_HAY_APPR|HAY|APPR|Apprentice|Apprentice|1|A|HAY Apprentice Career Level Notes.txt
MERGE|MktCareerLevel|VISION|CL_HAY_JRNY|HAY|JRNY|Journeyman|Journeyman|2|A|HAY Journeyman Career Level Notes.txt
MERGE|MktCareerLevel|VISION|CL_HAY_MSTR|HAY|MSTR|Master|Master|3|A|HAY Master Career Level Notes.txt

You include the .txt files named on the CareerLevelDescr attribute in the ClobFiles folder of the .zip file.

Load Market Data Career Stream

Here's how you can load three Market Data Career Stream objects. The file identifies these objects using source keys.

MERGE|MktCareerStream|VISION|CS_HAY_CONT|HAY|CONT|Contributing|Contributing|1|A|HAY Contributing Career Stream Notes.txt
MERGE|MktCareerStream|VISION|CS_HAY_JOUR|HAY|JOUR|Journey|Journey|2|A|HAY Journey Career Stream Notes.txt
MERGE|MktCareerStream|VISION|CS_HAY_ADVA|HAY|ADVA|Advanced|Advanced|3|A|HAY Advanced Career Stream Notes.txt

You include the .txt files named on the CareerStreamDescr attribute in the ClobFiles folder of the .zip file.

Load Market Data Other Level

Here's how you can load four Market Data Other Level objects. The file identifies these objects using source keys.

MERGE|MktOtherLevel|VISION|OL_HAY_1|HAY|100|Associate|Associate|1|A|HAY Associate Other Level Notes.txt
MERGE|MktOtherLevel|VISION|OL_HAY_2|HAY|200|Analyst|Analyst|2|A|HAY Analyst Other Level Notes.txt
MERGE|MktOtherLevel|VISION|OL_HAY_3|HAY|300|Senior|Senior|3|A|HAY Senior Other Level Notes.txt
MERGE|MktOtherLevel|VISION|OL_HAY_4|HAY|400|Principal|Principal|4|A|HAY Principal Other Level Notes.txt

You include the .txt files named on the OtherLevelDescr attribute in the ClobFiles folder of the .zip file.