How You Configure Data Changes for Explicit Life Events

Create explicit life events and configure the data changes that trigger them for the person or the participant's related persons. Use the Manage Life Events task in the Plan Configuration work area.

This topic discusses:

  • Explicit life event types

  • Person and related person changes

  • Data change definitions

  • Data change associations with other life events

Explicit Life Event Types

Explicit life events use the Personal or Work life event types. Work and personal data change criteria are similar to those that define eligibility profiles.

Person and Related Person Data Changes

This table describes the types of data changes that you can associate with an explicit life event:

Type of Data Change


Person change

A change to a person's personal or work data that triggers a life event for that person

Related person change

A change to the primary participant's personal or work data that might generate a life event for a person related to the primary participant

Example: You define a termination life event and associate two data changes:

  • Person change to end benefits coverage for a terminated employee

  • Related person change to end coverage for the dependents of the primary participant upon termination of the participant

Data Change Definitions

When you configure a data change, you select the table and column, and then define the data change that signifies occurrence of a life event.

Data column changes can include:

  • A change from no value to any value. For example, when you add a contact during a Gain Dependent life event.

  • Any change from any value to any other value. For example, when you change your old address to the new one during an Address Change life event.

  • Specific values. For example, when you change your marital status from Married to Divorced.

You can use a formula to define more complex conditions for detecting a life event.

Data Change Associations with Life Events

When associating data changes you can:

  • Link multiple data changes to a single life event

  • Link a single data change to more than one life event

The following table describes the processing when you associate multiple data changes with an event:



Changes to more than one table

Detects a life event when a data change in one of the tables meets the person change criteria.

Multiple changes to the same table

Detects a life event if the person satisfies all person change criteria associated with the table.