How You Create Life Events in Quick Create Program

To make new enrollment life events available to associate with the quick create program, click Create Life Events in the Enrollment section of the Quick Create Program page.

Attach enrollment life events to a program to trigger program enrollment opportunities when those life events occur.

You can:

  • Create one user-defined life event at a time.

  • Select one or more predefined life event configurations.

Creating User-Defined Life Events

In the User Defined Life Event section of the Create Life Event dialog box:

  • Enter the life event name.

  • Select the type.

You must use the Manage Benefit Life Events task to either:

  • Associate user-defined events to already existing person or related person data changes.

  • Create person or related person data changes and link the data changes to the life event.

Selecting Available Life Event Configurations

Each check box in the Available Life Event Configurations section of the Create Life Event dialog box represents a commonly used life event configuration.

Each predefined life event configuration contains:

  • Triggering mechanism setup

  • Ties to the tables and columns required to automatically generate that life event when corresponding personal or work data changes

You can optionally select one or more of these life events to make them available for attachment to a program.

  • Selected life events appear in the enrollment life event available list with the name displayed on the check box label.

  • Disabled life events are already activated in this implementation.

  • A uniqueness check prevents you from creating life events that rely on an existing set of table and column designations for triggering an event. Each set of life event triggers must be unique across the same implementation.

Filtering Self-Assigned Life Events for Participants

You can use eligibility profiles to filter self-assigned life events for specific participants. For example, you want only married participants to report the divorce life event. You can add eligibility on this life event to filter out unmarried participants.

When you use the Benefit Life Events task in the Plan Configuration work area to add a life event and eligibility profile for it, ensure that you select the Self-Assigned check box. The life event page now has a new tab named Eligibility for you to add participant eligibility profiles only for the self-assigned life events. You can add only one eligibility profile per life event. Click Add Eligibility Profile and select the eligibility profile to configure eligibility for the life event. The status of the eligibility profile should be Active to evaluate the life event eligibility.

When a participant opens the Report A Life Event page in Self-Service Benefits, eligibility is evaluated for each self-assigned life event. The final list of life events appears based on the eligibility profile. In general, the participants see a life event during one of the following scenarios:

  • The participant qualifies the eligibility rule for the life event.
  • No life event eligibility is set up.

Such life events appear only if you've set up eligibility accordingly. The life event eligibility status needs to be active and shouldn't be starting on a future date.