Options to Configure Timeliness of Life Event Reporting

If participants don't report life events within a reasonable time period, your enterprise might want to prevent them from enrolling in benefits. You can use a timeliness evaluation rule to set up such a policy.

For example, you want participants to report a childbirth life event within 30 days of the event date. If they take more than 30 days to report the event, you want an administrator to investigate before deciding to process that life event for enrollment opportunities.

This topic describes the different rules you can use to set up timeliness. You configure these rules on the create or edit life event pages, in the Additional Information section.

Decide Which Rule to Apply When Events Are Reported Too Late or Too Early

If the participant doesn't report the life event within a specific time period, you can determine how the application should process the life event. Select one of these rules in the Timeliness Evaluation field:


What the Rule Does

Process Potential Life Event Manually

It sets the life event to Manual. Then, an administrator can investigate and decide what to do next. They might decide to void the life event or make an exception in some cases.

Void Potential Life Event

It voids the life event straightaway.

Determine When a Life Event Reporting is Timely

You have several ways to define the time period. Pick the one that suits your requirements the best.


How to Configure

You want to set a time period for participants to report the event

In the Timeliness Days field, enter the number of days.

The value you enter indicates that participants need to report the life event within that period, for example, 30 days. If they report outside this period, the application processes the life event according to a timeliness evaluation rule you select. This time period applies even if participants report too early. For example, in case of an adoption event, if they report the event before 30 days of the actual event, the timeliness rule applies.

If you set the timeliness days to 0, the application uses the timeliness evaluation rule straightaway to process the life event. You use this configuration in situations when you want administrators to intervene each time a participant records a life event.

You don't want to set a specific time period, but you want to check that the event occurred in the current year

In the Timeliness Period Rule field, select Prior to Calender Year.

Participants can report any life event that's occurred during the current calendar year, but not before.

For example, if a participant moved to a new address in Dec 2017, but reported the move only in April 2018, the selected timeliness evaluation rule applies. That's because the move happened in the previous calendar year.

You have other requirements

If you want the application to consider other special requirements and set the status of the life event accordingly, write a formula. Then, in the Timeliness Evaluation Formula field, select that formula.