Configure Native Electronic Signature in Journeys

You create a task of type Electronic Signature so that employees' can read and electronically sign a document. You want the signed document to be available in the employees' document records for future reference.

You make use of the enhanced capability in the native electronic signature journey task to configure a name and password validation pattern to suit business requirements. Employees can use their display name, full name, or last name to electronically sign the document based on the configured name validation. The name is validated against the value of the name in the person record.

Before You Start

  • Create Employment Agreement as the Document Type using the Document Types task. The signed document is created as an attachment to a document record for this document type.

  • It's mandatory to configure these attributes as Relevant for the document type - Document Name and Issued On. And it's mandatory to configure all other document type attributes as Not Required.

  • Set Restrict Update to Yes in Document Record Preferences. By default, Restrict Delete is also set to Yes.

  • Create a Business Intelligence (BI) Publisher template for the document that needs to be electronically signed.

Create a Data Model

  1. Navigate to Tools > Reports and Analytics > Browse Catalog > New > Data Model > + icon and then SQL Query.
  2. Enter a name, select the data source as ApplicationDB_HCM and Type of SQL as Standard.
  3. Enter the SQL query. Click OK.
  4. Click Parameters and enter these supported parameters:
    Parameter Data Type Meaning
    P_ALLOCATED_TASK_ID String Allocated Task Identifier
    P_ALLOCATED_CHECKLIST_ID String Allocated Journey Identifier
    P_PERSON_ID String Person Identifier
    P_SIGNER_NAME String Name of the person signing the document
    P_SIGNER_EMAIL String Email of the person signing the document
    P_SIGN_DATE String Date when the document is signed
    P_SIGNER_ADDRESS String IP Address of the person signing the document
  5. Click View Data. Click Save as Sample Data.
  6. Save the Data Model and make a note of the name.

Create a RTF Template and Associate to Data Model

  1. Navigate to Tools > Reports and Analytics > Browse Catalog > New > Report.
  2. Click Cancel in the Create Report dialog box and click OK.
  3. Click the search icon adjacent to Data Model and select the data model created in the previous procedure.
  4. In the Upload or Generate Layout section, click on Upload. Enter the layout name, select the template file (sample file at the end), Type = RTF Template, Locale = English. Click Upload.
  5. Save the report.
  6. Click View Report to review if the layout is correct.
  7. Make a note of the report path, as that needs to be configured as part of the electronic signature task configuration.

Configure Electronic Signature Validation

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Checklist Integrations task.

  2. On the Configure Checklist Integration page, click Add.

  3. Enter sample values as indicated in this table. For others if not specified, use the default values.


    Sample Value

    Integration Category

    Electronic signature validation

    Integration Type

    Native electronic signature

    Integration Code

    This is a user-defined name for this integration and used during the native electronic signature task setup.


    United States

    National Identifier Type

    Social Security Number

    E-Signature Validation Type

    Name and password. Based on the selected option, those attributes will be mandatory on the task page.

    Name Validation

    Full name

    Password Validation Pattern


    This requires you to enter the password in this format:

    • F represents the first few letters from your first name, example, if the pattern specified is FFF and your first name is Marshal, enter Mar.

    • 1 represents the first few characters of your national identifier type, example, if the pattern specified is 111 enter A12 from your national identifier A12B7645.

    • DD represents the day in your date of birth, example, enter 05 if your date of birth is October 05, 1970.

    • MM represents the month in your date of birth, example, enter 10 if your date of birth is October 05, 1970.

    • YY or YYYY represents the year in your date of birth, example, enter either 70 or 1970 if your date of birth is October 05, 1970.

    Enable E-Signature Validation


  4. Click Validate to confirm the configuration details.
    Here are a few points to consider:
    • The password instruction text on the task page will be displayed based on the password validation pattern configured.
    • If an attribute that's configured in the password validation pattern is not present in the user’s record, it will prevent them from completing the task.
    • Only the name value is validated against the display name stored in the application.
    • Name and Date Signed, Password and IP address of the user are always stored in the journey table when using this task type.
    • However, the IP address of the user signing the document is hidden on Allocate Checklists and Journeys pages to protect the confidentiality of the electronically signed document.
    • If you reopen or remove a journey task that had a document record associated to it, that document record is deleted. It isn't available on the reopened task.
    • Email ID is also stored in the same table, if provided by the user when completing this task.
    • You can't have multiple signatories for a native electronic signature task. However, you can configure multiple native electronic signature journey tasks dependent on each other with the required signatories or performers. Then, you can build your custom electronic signature BIP report so that it progressively includes electronic signature details from previously completed tasks.

Create a Task of Type Electronic Signature

  1. Navigate to My Client Groups > Quick Actions > Employment > Checklist Templates.

  2. On the Create Checklist Templates page, enter details in the General tab.

  3. Click Save and then click the Tasks tab.

  4. Click Add and enter details for the task as detailed here. For other fields, use the default values:




    Read and Sign Agreement





    Preceding Task

    Leave blank



    Target Duration

    1 day

    Task Performer



    Area of Responsibility, HR representative

    Task Type

    Electronic Signature

    Signature Type

    Electronic Signature

    Validation Type

    Optionally, select the Validation Type you configured in the previous step.

    Report Path

    /Custom/Human Capital Management/Onboarding/EsignDocumentReport.xdo?P_SIGN_DATE={SignDate} &P_SIGNER_NAME={SignerName}&P_SIGNER_EMAIL={SignerEmail}&P_ALLOCATED_TASK_ID={AllocatedTaskId}&_xf=pdf

    If you specify the report path then the document type is mandatory. Also, only PDF format is supported.

    Document Type

    Employment Agreement

    Attachments Are For


  5. Click Save.

When you assign this task to new hires, they can go to the task page, read the document and electronically sign it. The task can be set to complete only when they enter their name. The name the worker enters is validated against the full name stored in the application. The password entered by the worker is validated against the specified password validation pattern. Once that's done, the signed document becomes available as a document record in the specified document type. The electronically signed document is stored as an attachment in PDF format in the worker's Document Records under the specified document type.

This is what happens when the worker clicks See Document:
  • If details haven't been entered, it displays the BIP template and the unsigned document to the employee.
  • If details have been entered, it displays the BIP template and the signed document with the signature details which are merged (including date and time).
  • Even if See Document isn't clicked, the signed document is still moved to Document Records when the task is marked complete. After the worker signs the document, See Document is disabled.

For more information on BI Publisher reports, see the Reports Modification chapter in the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Administering Analytics and Reports for HCM guide.