Balance Types for UAE

Balance types predefined by UAE localization are listed in the UAE Balances Spreadsheet: Oracle_Fusion_HRMS_UAE_Payroll_Balances.xlsx on My Oracle Support (MOS).

Let's describe the balances that affect payroll calculation and that are likely to be fed by elements created in the implementation phase.

Gross Balance

Balance Gross Earnings collects all the gross earnings applicable for UAE and is fed by two primary classifications:
  • Standard Earnings
  • Supplemental Earnings

Unpaid Leave

Balance Subject to Unpaid Leave: Collects all the earnings that are not due to be paid when an employee is on unpaid leave. Thisbalance is fed by subclassification Subject to Unpaid Leave.

This subclassification is associated by default to earnings with primary classification Standard Earnings and Information and so all elements created in the implementing phase with these primary classifications will feed this balance.

Balance Leave Without Pay: Used to track the unpaid absences that are used inGratuity Calculation.

Social Insurance

Balance Subject to Social Insurance: Collects all the earnings that are liable to Social Insurance and fed by subclassification Subject to Social Insurance.

This subclassification is associated by default to earnings with primary classification Standard Earnings and Information.

The value of this balance is used as contributory salary if the same is not overridden.

Balance Contributory Salary is used as a base in the contributions calculations. Subject to Social Insurance is designed to store the earnings that make up the contributory base, but for private sector the base can be overridden or adjusted, eventually, if there is no override or adjustment balance, contributory salary balance is equal to balance Subject to Social Insurance, otherwise it will account for the override or adjustment.

Net Pay Balance

During the payment process, the net pay balance is used to store the amount to be transferred as remuneration for the payee. A netpay balance, named Net Pay, is predefined for UAE, and no additional setup is required during the implementation phase.

Balance Dimensions and Defined Balances

As per employment model, balances are maintained at all four levels, that is: Payroll Relationship, Payroll Terms, Payroll Assignment, and Group levels.

The only dimensions that can be selected when creating a balance in the implement phase are dimensions enabled by UAE localization.

Combining balance types and enabled dimensions, UAE has delivered a set of defined balances that are listed in the UAE BalancesSpreadsheet Oracle_Fusion_HRMS_UAE_Payroll_Balances.xlsx on My Oracle Support (MOS).

Balance Groups and Attributes

Balance Groups group together balances. For the UAE, they are used mainly for reporting or online viewing purposes, to identify balances that must be considered in specific sections.

The following balance groups are predefined for UAE:

These balance groups are used in the payslip, whereas all the other reports use global balance groups to which country specific balances are connected.

The connection between defined balances and balance groups is managed through balance attributes.

Balance attributes can either be:
  • Created automatically through a defaulting mechanism depending on balance category and dimension.
  • Predefined by localization.
The AE Balances spreadsheet Oracle_Fusion_HRMS_UAE_Payroll_Balances.xlsx contains information on:
  • Defaulting criteria
  • Attributes predefined by UAE localization

When a balance that meets defaulting criteria is created during the implement phase the related attribute is automatically associated to the defined balance.

Defaulting criteria and attributes can't be added or modified in the implementation phase.

Balance Groups can be restricted for a specific localization, so that only balances of certain dimensions or categories are associated with a Balance Group. This is done through data that is predefined in the Pay Balance Usage Items table. Data predefined in this tablef or UAE is shown in the AE Balances spreadsheet Oracle_Fusion_HRMS_UAE_Payroll_Balances.xlsx on My Oracle Support (MOS).