Administer an Individual's Hierarchies and Access for a Workforce Compensation Plan Cycle

Manager and reviewer responsibilities during a workforce compensation cycle depend on the plan hierarchy and access settings.

  • Primary managers finalize and approve workforce compensation plan changes submitted by their subordinate managers. They also finalize their own changes and then submit all of these changes to their approver.
  • Secondary managers and other reviewers view plans delegated by the primary manager. Depending on the setup, they can suggest changes to the primary manager. The delegated individuals they review might appear in a different reporting structure than they do in the primary hierarchy.

Sometimes you might need to change the manager or reviewer. For example, the current primary manager is the new line manager for the person as the result of a recent internal transfer. You want the primary manager for this assignment, plan, and cycle to be their previous line manager because that manager knows this person better. Any hierarchy changes don't change the line manager for the assignment.

As needed, you can override the access levels configured for these hierarchies. For example, you want to remove all access for the primary manager. And you do want to give the secondary manager access and let them make changes.

You can change the plan hierarchies and access on the Administer Workers page, Status and Hierarchy tab. The changes apply only for the selected person, assignment, workforce compensation plan, and plan cycle.

Tip: To keep any changes you make for the specific person, assignment, plan, and cycle, you can select the Exclude worker from the refresh process option. This option is above the Person Information section of the Administer Workers page with the various tabs, starting with Worker Information and Budget. Future reprocess and refresh processes preserve any changes until you unselect the option. You can also use the Don’t refresh option for each relevant hierarchy to let future reprocess and refresh processes update other changes you made.