Data for Worksheet Assignment Segments

Assignment segment data can come from HR or from third-party or legacy application. To use it in worksheet columns of a workforce compensation plan, it has to be in the external data table.

To use the external data specifically in assignment segments, each row needs to include all of this information:

  • An end date
  • An assignment number
  • A job

When you load monetary segment amounts, you need to convert them to the same currency the individuals use, as of the HR data extraction date.

You can use up to 50 of the available 65 user-defined assignment segment columns at a time. The user-defined columns are 50 numeric, 15 text, and 5 date columns. Keep in mind you’re repeating data in rows instead of in columns and most likely won't need all 50.

You can also use these columns. They're automatically available on the Configure Assignment Segments page and you don't need to map them to user-defined columns:

  • Person Name
  • External Worker Data ID
  • Assignment Number
  • Legal Employer
  • Worker Number
  • Job
  • Record Type
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Eligibility Status
  • Sequence Number
  • Currency Code

The column that you use to show the assignment segment totals needs to be read-only in the worksheet.