How the Performance Template Selection Affects Other Document Properties

You can set performance document properties when you configure performance ratings that integrate with Oracle Fusion Performance Management Cloud Service. A key property is the performance template selection.

Template and Document Type

You can show specific kinds of ratings by selecting a performance template, such as Competency Progress or Annual 360 Evaluation with Development Goals. If the template has a corresponding document type, selecting the template also sets the performance document type. For example, you select Annual 360 Evaluation with Development Goals, which sets the performance document type to Annual Evaluation.

Template and Timing Options

You can show only ratings and documents for a specific template and period. When you select a performance template, you make the Timing options available, including Period Specific. Selecting Period Specific makes the Period Name choice list available so you can select the appropriate period. These choice list values change depending on your template selection.

If a person doesn't have any ratings or document for that period, the relevant columns in the worksheet are empty.

Timing Period Name and Review Period

The template Period Name choice list values also change if you set a review period. If you want to use a review period and a specific template period, set the review period before you set the period name. Setting the review period after the period name also removes the period name and you need to set the name again. This removal happens even if the period name you selected would be the only choice list value if you set the review period first.