Include a Budget Group in a Compensation Task Worksheet Summary

Here's the basic process to include a budget group in the summary of a compensation task worksheet, in a workforce compensation plan:

  1. Enable a compensation task worksheet using the Configure Worksheet Display task.
  2. Complete these steps using the Configure Task Layout icon.

    1. On the Summary tab, enable the group view. Optionally change the Group column display name to reflect the grouping criteria, such as Location or Grade and Country.

      If you enable the analytic view, you can also enable group view for that summary information.

    2. On the Detail Table tab, enable the column you want to use as a group, such as Personal > Country or Employment > Location. To reference data not in the available columns through a fast formula or dynamic calculation, you can enable and configure a user-defined text column. For example, to use a formula to prevent managers from crossing budget limits or to track budgets by both Grade and Country columns.

      You can't use these kinds of columns for grouping: person number, email, worker number or name, date, updated by, performance management rating, or numeric.

      Grouping columns show only the first 150 characters of text.

  3. Create the budget pool or edit an existing pool using the Configure Budget Pools task.

    1. Enable worker-level budgeting.
    2. Set the applicable column as the grouping column.
    3. Optionally enforce budgets by grouping column and set a maximum percentage over allocation. You can also set the severity when people go over budget, such as Error or Warning.