Overview of Individual Worker Display in Workforce Compensation Plan Worksheets

You can let managers view information about each individual in their worksheet by configuring the individual worker display. Depending on how you configure the page, managers can also allocate compensation, promote the individual, add notes and attachments, and view alerts.

You start by specifying whether the page shows the individual's information using up to 10 infotiles or as a single scrolling page. You can include up to 15 sections on the scrolling page and per infotile. If you have more than 15 sections that you want to share with managers, you need to use infotiles. Managers click each infotile to see the related sections.

You can also use infotiles to provide managers with more focused information to review and possibly change. For example, you configure one infotile to show person information. You add a section that shows the individual's details, such as their country, eligibility status, and email. And you add another section to show their assignment details, such as legal employer, location, department, direct manager, and years employed. Then you configure another infotile to show salary information. It has one section that shows summary information and another section that shows current salary. A third section lets managers allocate salary.

After you decide how you want to present information on the individual worker page, you add sections. Then you configure the content for each section. At any point along the way, you can save your current settings and preview what managers would see. The data fields are blank because the preview doesn't know about any specific individual.