Vacation Liability Payments for Multiple Plans

When an employee is transferred from one plan to another, the employee can have vacation liability balances across multiple plans.

If required, you can pay out all vacation liability accumulated over multiple vacation plans. Additionally, employee absences reduce vacation liability balances accumulated over multiple plans starting from the earliest vacation plan to the most current plan.

To process a vacation payout of the liability to an employee for multiple plans, note these important points:
  • If you leave the Vacation Accrual Reduction Date field in the Element Entries section of the element blank, the vacation liability balance is reduced from all plans starting from the first vacation plan.
  • If you enter a value in the Vacation Accrual Reduction Date field, the accrued vacation liability balance is reduced from the current vacation plan term in which the reduction date falls.

  • If the Vacation Accrual Reduction Date is outside of the current plan dates, for example, the reduction date is not within the active plan, the vacation liability balance is reduced beginning with the first vacation plan.

Recording Absences for Multiple Plans

Employee vacation absences reduce the vacation liability balances. Note these important points for reducing accrued vacation liability balances for multiple plans:
  • If you enter a Vacation Accrual Reduction Date in the absence, then the accrued vacation liability balance is reduced from the current vacation plan term in which the reduction date falls.
  • If you don't enter a Vacation Accrual Reduction Date in the absence, then the accrued vacation liability balance is reduced starting from the first vacation plan.

  • If the Vacation Accrual Reduction Date is outside of the current plan dates, for example, the reduction date is not within the active plan, the vacation liability is reduced starting with the first vacation plan.