
To read the newest entries in a feed, access its URL.

GET /atomservlet/employee/termination

To retrieve all the entries created from a particular point in time, use the updated-min or published-min parameter filtering on the entries' updated or published date attributes respectively. For details about the difference between these attributes, see Manage Date Effective Entries.

Follow the ISO 8601 time stamp format for the date and time.

GET /atomservlet/employee/newhire?updated-min=2017-07-14T14:04:00.000Z

To retrieve entries within a specific range, use the updated-min and updated-max or published-min and published-max set of parameters filtering on the entries' updated or published date attributes respectively. For details about the difference between these attributes, see Manage Date Effective Entries. The lower bound is exclusive and the upper bound is inclusive.

GET /atomservlet/employee/newhire?updated-min=2017-07-14T14:04:00.000Z&updated-max=2017-07-14T14:05:00.000Z

To read an archive feed (version of a feed that contains only archived entries), set the archive parameter to yes. For more details about archive and purge functionality, see Manage Archive and Purge Settings.

GET /atomservlet/employee/empupdate?archive=yes