How You Use Data Cache Corrector

You can use Edit Data Cache in the Transaction Summary page to edit errors in the data cache of a stuck transaction.

In the Transaction Summary page, you can select either a single transaction or select multiple transactions that are in the stuck status and use Actions > Edit Data Cache. You can edit multiple transactions together only if the transactions belong to the same process. If they belong to different processes, the Edit Data Cache option isn’t available.

On the Corrector page, you can enter an XML path to the node that you want to correct or add. You can select only one of these actions at a time. In case, you want to restore the transaction to its original status, you can use Revert Data Cache Changes. Again, you can revert the transaction only if you’ve made changes. If you haven't made changes, the Revert Data Cache option isn’t available.

Points to Note

  1. By default, the Edit Data Cache action is hidden. Create the HCM_EDIT_DATA_CACHE_ENABLE profile option and set it to True.
  2. If you enter an invalid path, an error message displays.
  3. A record of the edit data cache action is stored and displayed in the Transaction History page for audit purposes.