How You Route Position Approvals

You can route position approval rules to incumbents in the parent position instead of just the initiator’s hierarchy.

The routing of approvals to incumbents in the parent position is for these processes:

  • Create Position
  • Edit Position
  • Request New Position
  • Request Position Change

The position approval can be routed to either All Parent Position Incumbents or to a specific Identified Parent Position Incumbent.

Routing Options for Position Approvals

Routing Option Description
All Parent Position Incumbents Approval notification will be routed to all incumbents in the parent position.
Identified Parent Position Incumbents Approval notification will be routed to only a specific incumbent in the parent position.

The incumbent to whom the approval will be routed depends on the value defined in the ORA_PER_POS_INCUMBENT_TENURE_ASG_SUP profile option:

  • Longest tenure in assignment
  • Longest tenure in enterprise
  • Longest tenure in position
  • Shortest tenure in enterprise
  • Shortest tenure in position

This diagram describes how position approvals work.

Diagram showing how position approvals are routed to incumbents. The diagram is explained in the text.

You can define the approvals to be routed to either all incumbents or only a specific incumbent in the parent position. To route the approval to a specific incumbent only, you need to set the appropriate value in the profile option.

Examples of Tenure Calculation

Let’s look at how the tenure is calculated for the purpose of approval routing to a specific incumbent in some of these scenarios.

1. Multiple Managers in Parent Position in Single Assignment and Assignment Changes

Two managers, Amit Shukla and Donna Smith are in the same position. The former spent the longest in the same assignment and the latter spent the longest tenure in the enterprise but with changes in assignment.

Employee Action Date Position Status Tenure Comments
Amit Shukla Hire 1-Jan-2009 Assistant Manager Active 12 years Active in the position for 12 years
Donna Smith Hire 1-Jan-2000 Assistant Manager Active 5 years NA
Donna Smith Change Assignment 1-Jan-2005 Sales Analyst Active 6 years NA
Donna Smith Change Assignment 1-Jan-2010 Assistant Manager Active 11 years Adding the tenure for the Assistant Manager position,

16 years (11 + 5)

Even if the profile value was set to Longest Tenure in Enterprise, the approval will be routed to Donna Smith.

2. Multiple Managers in Parent Position in Single Assignment and with Inactive Assignment

Two managers, Amit Shukla and Jason King are in the same position. The former spent the longest in the same assignment and the latter spent the longest tenure in the enterprise but was transferred to a different legal employer (global transfer).

Employee Action Date Position Status Tenure Comments
Amit Shukla Hire 1-Jan-2009 Assistant Manager Active 12 years Active in the position for 12 years
Jason King Hire 1-Jan-2005 Assistant Manager Active 6 years NA
Jason King End Assignment 31-Dec-2010 Sales Analyst Inactive NA The last day of this assignment is 31-Dec-2010. The effective start date of the assignment's inactive status is 1-Jan-2011.
Jason King Add Assignment 1-Jan-2010 Assistant Manager Active 11 years Adding the tenure in the Assistant Manager position and removing the overlap period, we get:

16 years (6 + 11 - 1 ) years

(Overlap Removed)

3. Multiple Managers in Parent Position in Single Assignment and with Rehire

Two managers, Amit Shukla and Paul Smith are in the same position. The former spent the longest in the same assignment and the latter spent the longest tenure same assignment and position even after being rehired into the same position.

Employee Action Date Position Status Tenure Comments
Amit Shukla Hire 1-Jan-2009 Assistant Manager Active 12 years Active in the position for 12 years
Paul Smith Hire 1-Jan-1995 Assistant Manager Active 6 years NA
Paul Smith Termination 31-Dec-2000 Assistant Manager Inactive NA NA
Paul Smith Rehire 1-Jan-2010 Assistant Manager Active 11 years

Adding the tenure the person is active in the given position: 17 years (6 + 11) years

Note: If more than one incumbent fulfills the tenure criteria, then the person record creation date and time are considered for approval routing.

Profile Option for Routing Position Approvals

The Identified Parent Position Incumbent option is based on the ORA_PER_POS_INCUMBENT_TENURE_ASG_SUP profile option.

By default, this profile option is set to Longest tenure in assignment.

Use the Manage Administrator Profile Values task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to configure this profile option. Search for and select the ORA_PER_POS_INCUMBENT_TENURE_ASG_SUP profile option. Select one of these profile values as required, to meet your enterprise requirements.

Profile Option Value Description
Longest tenure in assignment

The approval is routed to the parent position incumbent with the longest tenure in the assignment. This option considers both, active and suspended assignments.

This is the default value.

Longest tenure in enterprise The approval is routed to the parent position incumbent with the longest tenure in the enterprise. This option considers only active assignments.
Longest tenure in position The approval is routed to the parent position incumbent with the longest tenure in the position. This option considers only active assignments.
Shortest tenure in enterprise The approval is routed to the parent position incumbent with the shortest tenure in the enterprise. This option considers only active assignments.
Shortest tenure in position The approval is routed to the parent position incumbent with the shortest tenure in the position. This option considers only active assignments.

Route Position Approvals to the Representative of the Parent Position Incumbent

You can also route position approvals to the representative of the incumbents of the parent position for these processes:

  • Request New Position
  • Request Position Change
  • Edit Position
  • Delete Position
  • Delete Date Effective Position Record

Suppose you want to route the Request New Position approval to the representative of the incumbent of the parent position. While configuring the approval rule for the Request New Position process, select the following:

  • Representative in the Approvers list
  • A value for Representative Type
  • Identified Parent Position Incumbent's Representative in the Representative Of LOV

Now, when you create a new position using the Request a New Position UI by associating a parent position which has incumbents with representatives, the approval is routed to the Identified Parent Position Incumbent's Representative.