Set Up Recommendations

Follow certain recommendations while configuring ADP Global Payroll on Oracle HCM Cloud.

Discuss with the ADP team any additional requirements they may have for some of the business objects, such as address format. Perform configurations in the HCM cloud to address these additional requirements.

Set the License Type and Load Geography Data

Use the Manage Features by Country or Territory task under Setup and Maintenance to set license types.

Set the license type for all countries that are part of the implementation scope to,

  • Human Resources or None

  • Payroll Interface

Load geography data from respective applications before starting with other configurations.

Note: For the United States and Canada, load the geography data from Vertex.

Oracle HCM Cloud delivers extensions for almost 120 countries under these classifications:

  • Tier 1: HR Only extension

  • Tier 2: HR and some parts of payroll extension

  • Tier 3: Fully localized including compliant payroll

For countries where Oracle has either not delivered an extension or has delivered a light extension, you may require additional configurations to use these legislations.

Legislative Data Groups and Employment Models

The best approach is to set up one Legislative Data Group (LDG) for one country.

ADP Global Payroll supports the Two-Tier Single Assignment employment model. The best idea is to specify the employment model as Two-Tier Single Assignment when you set up legal employers on Oracle HCM Cloud.

If the customer has a requirement for multiple assignments, then all earnings that need processing in payroll needs to be consolidated on the primary assignment.

Actions and Reasons

When you want to modify HR Actions for addressing business requirements, discuss the list of custom actions and their underlying system actions with ADP for a value-mapping This discussion ensures that ADP can perform appropriate actions when these actions are extracted as part of the output file.

Since ADP uses Action Reasons as critical components in their processing logic, configure appropriate action reason values while performing actions. We recommend discussing the Action Reasons associated with various Actions with ADP and values are mapped before configuration. ADP won't perform key transactions such as hire or termination if you haven't entered the corresponding action reason. This behavior holds well even if the Hire and Termination happen as a result of transactions such as Global Transfer or Global Temporary Assignment.


Set up currencies with the same number of decimal places, as has been set up in ADP Global Payroll. Discuss with ADP Consultants before finalizing the number of decimal places in Oracle HCM Cloud.


The best approach is to configure all pay frequencies supported by ADP for every legislation as payrolls within the respective legislations in Oracle HCM Cloud. The employee payroll mapping in Oracle HCM Cloud must be in sync with the mapping in ADP.

So the best idea is to carry out payroll definitions after consulting the ADP Global Payroll implementation team.


Specify the output currency for elements as the currency associated with the legislative data group while configuring elements.

Typically, components that are part of a regular salary and are paid to the employee every pay period are configured as recurring elements. Components that aren't part of the regular salary and are paid only when applicable are configured as nonrecurring elements.

We recommend all earnings elements containing the input value Amount and payments fed into this input value. The application creates the input value automatically when delivered element classifications are used.

When you map an earnings element to a salary basis, specify the input value to which the salary would be fed as Amount.

  • If the current implementation requires elements that report a number such as the Number of Dependents, create these elements with an input value Number. Store the actual value to be passed to ADP in this Number input value.

  • If the current implementation requires elements that report a rate such as a Rate per Overtime Hour, create these elements with an input value Rate. Store the actual value to be passed to ADP in this Rate input value.

  • If the current implementation requires elements that report a percentage such as a percentage of basic salary, create these elements with an input value Percentage. Store the actual value to be passed to ADP in this Percentage input value.

  • Input values Hours and Days are not supported by ADP Global Payroll.

Elements for Benefits

Oracle Benefits uses elements of primary classification Voluntary Deductions to communicate the amount to be deducted from the employee for participation in benefit plans.

When creating these elements in payroll interface scenarios, these elements get created without any default input values. Here, payroll interface scenarios mean where you have selected the Selected Extension under Manage Features by Country or Territory for the country as Payroll Interface. Use the Add Input Values option to create appropriate input values for such elements. Map these elements and input values to the corresponding benefits plans.

Object Groups

Object Groups are used to combine payrolls of interest, and perform the payroll interface extraction for this object group.

When setting up a group of payrolls, use the Payroll Inclusions and Exclusions section to specify the payrolls of interest. Similarly, when setting up a group of payroll relationships, use the Payroll Relationship Inclusion and Exclusion section to specify the payroll relationships of interest.

Personal Payment Methods

Personal Payment Methods are used by employees to choose how they want to receive payment of their salary. Employees can distribute payment of their salary to different payment options like a direct deposit to their bank accounts, cheques (checks), or cash using percentages, fixed amounts, or a combination.

We recommend to not specify a Run Type while creating personal payment methods. The Run Type field on the Personal Payment Methods page doesn't hold any significance in a payroll interface scenario.

Set Up SFTP and Delivery Destination

To configure the secured FTP server for automatic file delivery, go through the instructions in the How to setup SFTP Server for BI Publisher document. When setting up delivery options for file delivery, specify the destination as the location provided by the payroll vendor.

Set up Practitioner Access

Note: When setting up the practitioner user access, ensure that security roles & security profile access are aligned with what has been configured on ADP Celergo system.

Uptake Recommendations for ADP Global Payroll V2 Extract

  • If you're already using the standard ADP Global Payroll Interface, we strongly recommend that you reach out to Oracle by logging a service request and to ADP by logging a ticket, for key considerations before planning a move to the enhanced version.

  • If you're planning to start using the standard ADP Global Payroll Interface, we recommend that you review and use the V2 version.

How to Uptake ADP Global Payroll V2 Extract

Use the steps given in this section, only if you're moving to ADP Global Payroll Interface V2 after due confirmation from both Oracle and ADP.

  1. Recreate in the Payroll Interface for ADP Global Payroll V2 extract definition, the following configurations performed on the earlier version:

    • Additional delivery options (for example, to enable SFTP delivery)

    • Dynamic file names

    Following configurations performed on the earlier version are automatically applied in V2 version:

    • Lookup Codes

    • Value Sets

    • Fast Formulas

    • Element Groups

    • Payroll Relationship Groups

    • Object Groups

    • Values in the Profile Options for Global Payroll Interface user-defined table

  2. On the day you plan to move over to the new version, follow these steps and perform a baseline run using the Run Payroll Interface for ADP Global Payroll V2 flow:

    1. Complete the regular Run Payroll Interface for ADP Global Payroll flow and transfer the output file to ADP.

    2. Submit a baseline run using the new Run Payroll Interface for ADP Global Payroll V2 flow across all LDGs in scope.

    3. Validate that the baseline run completed successfully and processed all employees within the LDGs as expected. If the results are as expected, proceed to the next step.

      If you face any issues in the baseline run, create an Oracle service request. Continue with the regular interface runs with the earlier version until the issue with the new version is resolved by Oracle Support.

  3. If you have created an automatic scheduler for your regular interface runs, end the existing scheduler as on the date you move over to the new version.

  4. Use the new Run Payroll Interface for ADP Global Payroll V2 process flow and create a new schedule to start from the day after the date you move over to the new version. All your existing configurations around scheduling like Process Start Date and Process End Date offsets get automatically incorporated into the new schedule.

  5. If you're executing your regular interface runs manually, start using the new Run Payroll Interface for ADP Global Payroll V2 process flow in your regular runs from the day after the date you move over to the new version. Incremental changes are picked up automatically ensuring zero break in interfacing.

Configure Additional Delivery Options

If you have configured additional delivery options other than those delivered out of the box by Oracle, here are the mandatory changes for you to perform.

  1. On the Home page, click the Extract Definitions quick action under the My Client Groups tab, and select Payroll Interface For ADP Global Payroll V2.

    If you are using the first release of ADP Global Payroll, then select Payroll Interface For ADP Global Payroll .

  2. In the Advanced Edit mode, go to Delivery Options.

  3. For all the delivery options that you have created, update the value under Template Name from ADP Global Payroll Interface Template to Override Template.

  4. Submit the changes.