Talent Pool Security Profiles

You can use security profiles to control access to nonprivate talent pools.

You can control access to nonprivate talent pools in these ways:

  • Assign any of the 3 delivered security profiles for talent pools to specific roles.
  • Create security profiles so that only people of a specific business unit, department, or job family can access nonprivate talent pools and then assign them to the appropriate roles.

Delivered Security Profiles for Talent Pools

There are 3 delivered security profiles for talent pools:

  • View All Talent Pools: Users assigned this profile can manage all private and nonprivate talent pools.
  • View All Public Talent Pools: Users assigned this profile can manage all nonprivate talent pools.

  • View By Ownership: Users assigned this profile can manage only talent pools for which they’re the named owners. This is the default security profile.

For more information about talent pool security profiles, see the topics in the Related Topics section.