How e-IWO Amount Payees Are Determined

When you process a new Electronic Income Withholding Order (e-IWO) inbound file, the e-IWO Process flow performs these steps to determine the appropriate order amount payees.

  1. Compares the payee provided in the inbound file against all third-party payee definitions. If there is a match, it uses this payee for the deduction.

  2. If it doesn't find a match, it checks the e-IWO Configuration Default Settings user-defined table for an appropriate default payee. If there is a match, the flow:

    1. Uses this payee for the deduction.

    2. Logs an entry in the Audit Report to the effect that an e-IWO payee wasn't found and a default was used.

  3. If no payee or default payee is found, the flow:

    1. Logs the order as FAILED in the Audit Report.

    2. Does not update the employee's Involuntary Deductions card.

Note: These payees also appear in the Order Amount Payee field on the employee's Involuntary Deductions card.