How e-IWOs Are Processed When an Obligor's Work State Is Different from Their Issuing State

When the issuing state on the incoming Electronic Income Withholding Order (e-IWO) doesn't match the employee's work state, which state the inbound process uses depends on how many work states the person has.

  • If the employee has a single work state, the inbound process uses that state when creating or updating the Involuntary Deductions card component.

    The e-IWO Process flow derives this state from State for Unemployment Calculation on the Tax Withholding card. It stores this value in the storage table as Employee Work State.

  • For employees working in multiple states, the flow uses the issuing state, even if the person doesn't work there.

In these cases, the e-IWO Process flow identifies these orders as VALID and logs the following messages in the Audit Report.

  • The employee work state isn't the same as issuing state.

  • The employee is assigned to multiple work states.