How the e-IWO Flows Derive Reference Codes

When you run either the e-IWO Involuntary Deductions Card Load Process or e-IWO Process flows, they:

  1. Update the employee's Involuntary Deductions card with new order info.

  2. Assign that order a reference code. This code appears in Reference Code on the card component.

This reference code consists of a concatenation of the following.

This segment

How it's derived

For example

Case Identifier

This is issued by the relevant authority.


Issuing State Abbreviation

This is the 2-character abbreviation of the state.


Remittance ID

This is issued by the relevant authority.


Sequence Number

In cases where the combination of the previous elements results in a duplicate of an existing reference code, the flow appends a sequence number.


Here's an Example

You receive an e-IWO from CA for one of your employees. When you uptake the order, the flow assigns it the following reference code.


If you receive another e-IWO for the person with the same values, the flow appends a sequence number.
