Drill Down from Events to Event Action Notifications

From the Events page you can navigate to the corresponding Event Notifications tagged to a particular event.

The events page displays information such as the type of change, the effective date of the change, who changed it, and when. You can also view the number of notifications tagged to the events and their status whether completed or deferred.

Let's consider a scenario where an employee Lucy Hall contacts the payroll department about not receiving overtime despite being moved to a job that's eligible for overtime. During the investigation, the payroll administrator finds out that the time card was submitted before the change to the job was recorded. The payroll administrator navigates to the event action notification page and finds no event action notifications for Lucy related to time card resubmission. To verify which events were triggered, the payroll administrator clicks on the events button and finds the event related to the change of job. However, when drilling down to the event notifications, no event notification for time card resubmission was triggered.

By clicking on Event Action Groups, the payroll administrator can verify the event action group that's configured for time card resubmission and confirm that change of job isn't an included event in the event action group. The payroll administrator then contacts the team member responsible for the setup to run the HCM Data Loader to update the event action group.