Event Action Notifications

When an event is triggered, the application filters the applicable event groups which include that event, and generates event notifications for each event action included in those event groups.

Let's consider an example where the application triggers an event for a worker due to a change in their job. This event is included in an Event Action Group associated with the HCM Rates Recalculation event action. As a result, the application creates an event action notification for the worker, for HCM Rates Recalculation in the Awaiting Processing status.

When the rates process is run, the application determines all workers with an event action notification of HCM Rates Recalculation in the awaiting processing status and recalculates rates for these employees. Once this process is completed successfully, the notification status is updated to Completed.

You can view and manage event notifications in two ways:

  • For event notifications related to retroactive payroll and proration, use the Event Notifications page. You can configure the events that trigger these notifications using the Event Groups page.

  • For all other event notifications associated with event actions such as time card resubmission, retroactive payroll for late hires and generate HCM rates, use the Event Action Notifications page. The event action groups configure these event actions and loads them through HCM Data Loader.

In order to visualize the impact of an event and the underlying cause for an event notification, you can navigate between event notifications and events. You can view event action notifications and drill down to view the events associated with that event notification to detect the type of change, when the change occurred, and who made the change. You can use the Event Notifications button on the Event Action Notifications page to navigate to the Event Notifications page for the selected person. This lets you view retropay notifications for the selected person. The back arrow on the Event Notifications page returns you to Event Action Notifications page.

Alternatively, you can also view the events raised for a person on the Events page, including those events that didn't raise any event notification. You can then drill down to view the event notifications associated with an event.

The Event Action Groups page consists of the event group setup. Here you can view all the event action groups loaded through HCM Data Loader and see if any are set up to watch the type of event you're interested in.

Event Notification Status

When an event is triggered, the payroll application generates event notifications for features such as the retroactive recalculation of payroll and retropay for late hires. The Notification Status attribute supports these values for an event:
  • Not Started: Notification processing hasn't yet started.
  • Complete: Notification processing is complete.
  • Error: Notification processing has failed.
  • Event Canceled: The event has been canceled.

    Use the event notification status to review and take an appropriate action on an event.