How do benefit coverage payments settle open charges in the record payment page?

When you enter an amount and press TAB, the application settles the highest outstanding bill amount first, and then the rest in descending order of value.

If there are outstanding charges from other billing periods, then the application settles the earliest charges first before settling the latest billing period's charges.

For example, the following charges appear in the Record Payment page:

  • InFusion Dental (20 USD) for the billing period of August 2016

  • InFusion Eye Care (50 USD) for the billing period of September 2016

  • InFusion Medical (200 USD) for the billing period of September 2016

The participant pays 250 USD on October 1, 2016. The application settles the charges as listed in the following table:



Settlement Amount




20 USD

The application settles this charge first as it is an outstanding charge from an earlier billing period.



200 USD

The application settles this charge next as it is the costliest charge in the latest billing period.


Eye Care

30 USD

The application does not settle this charge as the payment is insufficient to settle the charge completely. The amount due is 20 USD.