Example of Loading Element Duration Dates For Payroll Assignments

Use HCM Data Loader to load payroll related information for an assignment, such as element duration dates. The element duration dates at assignment level control the start and end date of earnings and deductions assigned to the employee's assignment, such as salary.


On 13-Feb-2019, Maria Peterson who's on weekly payroll terminates her service with your company. The termination process automatically sets these process dates:

  • The last standard earnings date to 13-Feb-19.

  • The last standard process date to the end date of her weekly payroll, which is 15-Feb-19.

However, Maria is still eligible to receive outstanding overtime and commission payments, which can be paid up to 6 months in arrears. To ensure that she's paid these payments, you can update the final close date on the assignment record to 31-Dec-19.

As this image shows, the termination process sets the process dates for Maria.

In this image, the termination process sets the process date for Maria.

In this dat file, you update the final close date to 31-Dec-2019.

MERGE|ElementDurationDate|2019/12/31|PA|E10001|Final Close