Create a Donation Plan

Here's how you create a donation plan:

  1. In the Absences work area, on the Tasks panel tab, click Absence Plans.

  2. On the Absence Plans page, click Create.

  3. On the Create Absence Plan dialog box, in the Plan Type field, select Donation.

  4. Click Continue.

  5. On the Create Absence Plan page, Plan Attributes tab, enter the name of the plan.

  6. Select the legislative data group.

  7. In the Status field, select Active.

  8. In the Plan UOM field, select Hours or Days so that this plan can receive donations from accrual plans with the same unit of measure. If coworkers can donate time to the worker from multiple plans with different units of measure, enroll the worker in 2 donation plans, one with Hours and the other with Days.

  9. On the Plan Rules tab, optionally specify a ceiling amount. You can select Flat Amount or Formula. The ceiling amount limits the total donated amount that this plan can receive. You can also specify how to disburse or recover donation plan balances when the worker is terminated.

  10. On the Entries and Balances tab, specify the transactions that this donation plan allows workers to make. For example, you can allow workers to cash out the donated leave instead of taking an absence.

  11. Select Transfer absence payment information for payroll processing and select an absence element to transfer the donation balance for payroll processing. To integrate the absence plan with Global Payroll, create elements using the Manage Elements task in the Payroll Calculation work area. Then, associate the element with the plan on the Create Absence Plan page.