Examples of How Intervening Life Events Impact Reinstatement Rules

Use reinstatement rules to control restoration of participant elections when you back out and reprocess an event.

If an intervening life event occurs that requires you to back out the original life event, later reprocessing reinstates elections:

  • If the participant didn't make any new elections or change existing elections in the intervening life event

  • If no action items or certifications were created

Main Scenario Dates and Events

The following main dates and events apply to all examples in this topic:



November 1 to 28, 2015

Open enrollment period for the new plan year that starts on January 1, 2016.

The participant experiences the open event with the following electable choices:

  • InFusion Medical: 5000 USD per year

  • InFusion Dental: 100 USD per year

  • InFusion Vision: 200 USD per year

November 5, 2015

Worker enrolls in InFusion Medical for Employee Only, which costs 5000 USD effective for the new plan year.

November 20, 2015

Participant experiences a marriage life event.

Administrator backs out the open event to process the marriage life event.

The life event provides the InFusion Medical for Employee Plus Spouse electable choice, which costs 7500 USD per year.

November 21, 2015

Administrator reprocesses the open event

Reinstatement of Elections after Processing an Intervening Event

This table shows how each reinstatement rule restores elections based on different scenarios.

Scenario After Reprocessing Open Event


The participant makes no elections in the intervening life event.

The electable choices for the open event remain unchanged.

Reinstates elections if you selected one of the following reinstatement rules for the open event:

  • Reinstate all if no electability change in life event

  • Reinstate if no change for the backed out enrollment

  • Reinstate if electability exists for the backed out result

The participant makes no elections in the intervening life event.

New electable choices are available for the open event and the rates of some existing electable choices changed:

  • InFusion Medical: 5500 USD per year

  • InFusion Medical Employee Plus Spouse: 7500 USD per year

  • InFusion Dental: 120 USD per year

  • InFusion Vision: 200 USD per year

Reinstates elections only if you selected the Reinstate if electability exists for the backed out result reinstatement rule for the open event

The participant elects to enroll in the InFusion Medical for Employee Plus Spouse offering during the intervening life event.

New electable choices are available for the open event and the rates of some existing electable choices changed:

  • InFusion Medical: 5500 USD per year

  • InFusion Medical for Employee Plus Spouse: 7500 USD per year

  • InFusion Dental: 120 USD per year

  • InFusion Vision: 200 USD per year

Doesn't reinstate elections even if you selected a reinstatement rule because the participant made elections in the intervening life event

The participant makes no elections in the intervening life event.

The open event includes new electable choices, an action item was created, and some rates changed:

  • InFusion Medical: 5500 USD per year

  • InFusion Medical for Employee Plus Spouse: 7500 USD per year

  • InFusion Dental: 120 USD per year

  • InFusion Vision: 200 USD per year

Doesn't reinstate elections even if you selected a reinstatement rule because the open event reprocessing created an action item