How You Avoid Rounding Discrepancies in Communicated Rates

This topic covers how to avoid rounding the first element entry, and therefore the communicated rate, when it's different from the remaining element entries.

For example, the rate is 592.592592 and you want the first rate to take the offset so that the subsequent rates round evenly. To avoid rounding the first element entry, use either of the following methods.

Using a Rate Periodization Formula

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a fast formula of the Rate Periodization type using the Manage Fast Formulas task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  2. Select the formula on the Processing Information tab of the standard rate in the Plan Configuration work area.

Using Value Passed to Payroll

Set Value Passed to Payroll on the standard rate to either Annual amount, Communicated amount, or Defined amount in the Plan Configuration work area. If you select Estimated per-pay-period amount or Per-pay-period amount, the first element entry is rounded.