How You Enable Participants to Upload Supporting Documents

Participants can upload supporting documents from the Pending Actions page. Every document belongs to a certification type. When you set up the benefit offering, you need to map these certification types with the benefit offering to allow document uploads of only that type.

For example, if you want to enable participants to upload the Proof of Good Health document for a program, you need to map the relevant certification type to that program. You do the mapping in the Document Uploads step when you create a program or a plan-not-in-program.

Determine the Benefits Level to Define Certification Types

Depending on your requirements, you can map certification types at the program level or plan-not-in-program level.

If you set up the mapping at the program level, the documents that participants upload will be available to all the plans in that program. For example, if all plans in a program require a birth certificate, the participant needs to upload that document only once. The birth certificate will be available across all the plans in the program and needs to be approved only once.

Link Document Types with a Benefit Offering

  1. Create or edit the program or plan-not-in-program that you want to enable for document uploads.

  2. In the Document Uploads step, click Select and Add to include the certification types.

  3. Save your changes.

Define a Period to Allow Document Uploads

Participants can upload the document if the life event that triggers the pending action is within the start and end dates that you specify. You specify these dates when you use the Document Uploads step to add a certification type to the offering.

Define a Validity Period for Documents

Determine the length of time the documents of a particular certification type are valid until, such as a specific number of days. You can even set a lifetime validity for the documents.

For example, you want the document to be valid up to 30 days after the participant uploaded the document. In the Document Uploads step, Select and add window, select Number of Days from the Validity Rule field, and enter 30. If you want the documents to be valid forever, select Lifetime.