Worker Data Validation Report for China

Run the Worker Data Validation Report to generate a list of workers with missing or noncompliant data. Use this report to verify if the required data setup for all workers for the payroll run or process is complete.

As a payroll manager, you can run this report and make relevant corrections to complete the employee or payroll-related data. This is a prerequisite task to check for any missing data before running all the payroll processes.

Run Worker Data Validation Report

  1. From the home page, navigate to My Client Groups > Data Exchange > HCM Extracts > Submit Extracts


    My Client Groups > Payroll > Flow Submission and Results > Submit a Flow.

  2. Select a Chinese legislative data group.

  3. Select the Run Worker Data Validation Report from the list of processes or reports.
  4. Select the required Payroll Flow name for the process that’s being run. Enter a value each time the process is run.
  5. Use the Effective As-of Date field to specify the first effective date of the payroll process to include in the report. The data status is verified as of the selected effective date.

  6. Select the Legal Employer for whom the report is to be run.

  7. Click Submit and then click Refresh to view the task completion status.
  8. When the status is Completed, click the Worker Data Validation Report.pdf link to download and save the report.
  9. The report generates data with the following details:

    • Person Name

    • Person Number

    • Validation Message

Worker Data Validation Criteria

The worker data validation checks for missing values in the worker records for the Effective As of Date as listed here:

  1. First validation check is whether the expatriate value is set for the worker or no. If the expatriate value is missing, the following fields are also checked:
    1. Expatriate

    2. Gender

    3. Data of birth

    4. Citizen identification number

    5. Hukou type

    6. Citizenship

    7. Passport number

    8. Pass number

  2. If the expatriate value is set to Yes for the worker, the following fields are checked:

    1. Citizenship
    2. Passport Number if citizenship isn't Chinese
    3. Pass number if citizenship is Chinese
  3. If the expatriate value is set to No for the worker, the following fields are checked:

    1. Gender

    2. Data of birth

    3. Citizen identification number

    4. Hukou type

The report displays the worker records with the details of all the missing information.