Default Action Based on Country and Role

When the action is defaulted based on country and role, the defaulting is derived based on the sequence in this table:

Evaluation Sequence Is the Country Configured for Action? Is the Role Configured for Action? How Default Action is Derived
1 No No When the actions don't have countries and roles configured, the first action in the Action LoV (sorted alphabetically by action name) is defaulted.
2 Yes Yes When the actions match the requestor's role and worker's legal employer country, the first action in the Action LoV (sorted alphabetically by action name) is defaulted.
3 Yes No When the actions match the worker's legal employer country, the first action in the Action LoV (sorted alphabetically by action name) is defaulted.
4 No Yes When the actions match the requestor's role, the first action in the Action LoV (sorted alphabetically by action name) is defaulted.
The application will default the first action in the Action LoV (sorted alphabetically by action name) in these scenarios:
  • There is no match between the configured action countries and roles.
  • There is a country match, but the roles don’t match.
  • There is a role match, but the countries don’t match.
Note: In all scenarios, the action is derived within the context of allowed action types for the employment flow.

The resultant list of actions is displayed sorted alphabetically by the action name.

For the termination flow, here’s the sequence of how the application derives the default action:
  • Use the evaluation sequence 1 to 4 in the table for actions configured as voluntary.
  • Use the evaluation sequence 1 to 4 for actions configured as involuntary.
  • If no match is found, default the first action in the Action list (sorted alphabetically by action name) of voluntary actions.
  • If no match is found, default the first action in the Action list (sorted alphabetically by action name) of involuntary actions.

Examples of How the Action is Defaulted Based on Sequence

Example 1:

Action Country Role
Hire Null Null
Deputation India HR Specialist India
Leave of Absence United States Null
Absconding Null HR Administrator
Local Transfer United Kingdom HR Specialist United Kingdom

In example 1, when the user performs a worker transaction, Hire action will be defaulted because it’s a global action with no country and role.

Example 2:

Action Country Role
Deputation India HR Specialist India
Leave of Absence United States Null
Absconding Null HR Administrator
Local Transfer United Kingdom HR Specialist United Kingdom

For example 2, this table shows the defaulted actions:

User Worker Country User Role Defaulted Action
Vijay Singh India HR Specialist India Deputation
Boris Klose United States HR Specialist United States Leave of Absence
Stefan Anderson Sweden HR Administrator Absconding
Donna Paulson France HR Specialist France Absconding

For Donna Paulson, even though the Absconding action is defaulted, the action value won’t be displayed in the Action LoV. If the user changes the value in the LoV, they can’t enter the Absconding action value.