How You Create Journeys

Journeys comprise a set of tasks that help automate routine or special processes effectively in your organization. For example, you might want to create a special journey to help employees on their return to the workplace, post the pandemic.

As a line manager or HR specialist, you can use an existing journey as is or create a new journey.

Use an Existing Journey

As the first step, you can first look for an existing journey using the Explore tab. When you find one that fits your requirements, you can review it's details and assign it to other people or to yourself.

If you find an existing journey that needs some changes, you can create a copy and modify it. You can change attributes such as the journey description, category, title, and add tasks that are relevant to the journey or update and delete tasks. When you save this duplicate journey, it's saved as your personal journey.

Create a New Journey

If a journey doesn't match your requirements or if your search for a journey doesn't return results as expected, you can use Create Journey to create a brand new journey. You can specify all relevant details for the journey including the tasks. The new journey is saved to your personal journeys list and can be assigned to others and yourself as required.

Personal journeys can't be viewed or managed from the Checklists Templates setup page.