Personal Journeys

In contrast to predefined journeys that are available to all users, your personal journey templates are private and only available to you. You can manage your personal journey templates from the Explore tab in the Journeys app.

You can create a personal journey template in any of these scenarios:

  • When you select an existing global journey template and modify it

  • When you select an existing personal journey template and modify it

  • When you create a new journey template altogether

Here's how you can act on a personal journey template:

  • View the journey

  • Assign the journey to others

  • Add it to your journeys

  • Edit the journey

  • Delete the journey

Personal journey templates won't be available from the responsive Allocate Checklists page.

When you create a personal development journey in Oracle Grow, you can save it as a personal journey template for reuse later by using the Save as personal journey template option. The saved personal journey template in Oracle Grow is displayed on the Explore tab. If you create a personal journey template with the same name as that of an existing journey, then the name will be suffixed with (n) where n is the instance number. For example, Learning Journey (2).