Formula Outputs Unique to Time Calculation Rule Templates and Rules

Formulas contain outputs uses to return results to the time repository rule. You configure these outputs when creating time calculation rule templates. Your settings affect the values that people select or enter when creating time calculation rules with the template.

Output Group

You use output groups to link outputs from the formula to specific time attributes for calculation processing. For example, you add the PayrollTimeType attribute once to Output Group 1 and once to Output Group 2. Here's what you've after you finish:

  • Output Group 1 has the OUT_MEASURE_UNDER output from the formula and your added PayrollTimeType attribute.
  • Output Group 2 has the OUT_MEASURE_OVER output from the formula and your added PayrollTimeType attribute.

Even though both groups have the same payroll time attribute, the values that people set when they create rules with the template will be different. For example, the payroll value for hours below the measure is typically a regular pay rate. The payroll value for hours over the measure is typically an overtime or premium pay rate.

You select the output group when you create the calculation template. People can see, but not change your selection when they create calculation rules with the template.

Time Attribute

You need to specify the type of time attribute for each output. For all measure outputs, such as OUT_MEASURE_UNDER and OUT_MEASURE_OVER, select the Measure time attribute. As with output groups, people can see, but not change, your selection when they create calculation rules with the template.

Value Type

You specify whether the people creating rules with the template enter or select the time attribute value. For example, people enter a value for Measure attributes, such as 8 for a daily threshold or 40 for a weekly threshold. If you select Data source or Value set, people select a value from the corresponding drop-down list. If you select fixed number, text, or date, then people enter the value.

Value Set

You can see the Value Set output setting only if Value Type is Value set. The value set that you select decides the values that people can select from when they create rules with the template. They see the values that make up the output drop-down list, but they don't see the name of the value set. For example, the available value set HRC_YES_NO includes the values Yes and No. People creating rules see those values in the output drop-down list. They don't see HRC_YES_NO anywhere in the Rule Outputs section.

Output Source

The output source identifies whether the output came from the formula linked to the template or a person added it. You see this setting when you create calculation rule templates. People who create rules with the template don't see it.


People creating rules with the template select or enter the actual time attribute value for the output results. For example, you create a calculation template with the Under Pay Rate and Over Pay Rate payroll attributes. A rule created with the template calculates daily overtime. Another rule created with the same template calculates daily premium time. Both rules have Under Pay Rate set to Regular. The first rule has Over Pay Rate set to Overtime and the second rule has it set to Premium.