How You Group Outputs in Calculation Rule Templates and Rules

When creating time calculation rule templates, use output groups to identify the time attributes that store outputs. The associated formula provides the outputs and groups, one group for each output.

You select the output values for the time attributes as you create rules using the rule template. In the Time Management work area, create templates using the Rule Templates task and rules using the Rules task.


You create a rule template that calculates time data weekly based on the WFM_THRESHOLD_TIME_CALCULATION_RULE formula, which has these 2 outputs:


The Output Group drop-down list contains these values:

  • Output Group 1
  • Output Group 2

Grouping Structure

On the Outputs page, you complete these actions:

  • For OUT_MEASURE_OVER, change the output group to Output Group 2.
  • For the time attribute of each measure outputs, select Measure.
  • Add one time attribute output to each output group, as shown in this table:
Output Name Time Attribute Output Group Display Name
PAY_TYPE_UNDER Payroll Time Type Output Group 1 Pay for Under Threshold
PAY_TYPE_OVER Payroll Time Type Output Group 2 Pay for Over Threshold

On the Outputs section toolbar:

  • Use Grouping Structure to review your output groups in a hierarchy format.
  • Use Reorder to edit the display sequence.

Time Attribute Values in the Rule

You create a rule using this template. For the PAY_TYPE_UNDER and PAY_TYPE_OVER payroll time types, select Regular and Overtime, respectively. The rule sets calculated hours below the threshold value to regular time. And it sets the hours over the threshold value to overtime.