Options to Configure Default Values for Time Card Fields

When you create time card fields, you can optionally specify values to default for new time entries on classic, responsive, and enhanced time cards. You can also specify values to default for dependent fields that appear on Web Clock.

Note: You don't configure default values for web clock buttons.

People add fields to a time card when they open the time card, add an attribute row, or add an entry. You don't configure default values for web clock buttons.

Select the population method for new field entries from these options:

  • No default value: Don't automatically populate the new field with an entry.
  • Specific value: Automatically populate the new field with the specified value. These sources populate the Specific Display Value drop-down list:

    • For single-attribute fields, the unfiltered data source that you selected earlier
    • For multiattribute fields, the display names in the Display Name and Multiple Attribute Definition section

    Optionally, populate new entries based on another time card field. For example, if you select the Expenditure Type time attribute, you can specify to populate new entries based on the Expenditure Type Name attribute value.

    Note: This option works only with classic time cards. Responsive and enhanced time cards ignore this population method.
  • Function: Automatically populate the new field with the value derived by the selected function, such as Based on primary assignment. The function uses the filtered data source. This option is available only if the time attribute has delivered functions.

    Note: Any default value that you specify is ignored by the Generate Time Cards process accessed from the My Client Groups > Team Time Cards page. It uses the attribute values specified on that page instead. Enhanced time cards also ignore default values.