Overview of Time Entry Configuration for Only Project Costing and Project Costing and Payroll Combined

You can let people report only project costing time on time cards or project costing, payroll, and absence time. You can use delivered data sources, time card fields, layouts, HCM groups, and time entry profiles.

These layout configurations support time reporting for only project costing or project costing according to team membership. There's also a layout that supports reporting time for project costing, payroll, and absences combined. Or you can create your own configurations, as shown here.

View the delivered time card fields and data sources (value sets) and decide whether to use the value sets. If yes, then continue to the next object. If no, create your own value sets. View the delivered layout set and decide whether to use the delivered time card fields. If yes, then continue to the next decision. If no, or you created your own value sets (data sources), then you must also create time card fields that use your data sources. Next, decide whether to use the delivered layout set. If yes, continue to the next object. If no, or you created your own fields, you must also create one or more layout sets to include them. View the delivered time entry profile and decide whether to use it. If yes, then you decided to use all the delivered time entry objects. If no, or you created your own layout sets, then you must create one or more time entry profiles. Last, view the delivered group and decide whether to use it. If yes, then you're finished setting up time entry objects for project costing. If no, create one or more groups. You must create your own time entry profiles to associate with any groups that you create.

If you create your own value sets and time card fields, then you need to create your own layout sets and time entry profiles. You also need to create layout sets and profiles if you use delivered fields that the delivered layout sets don't include. For example, you want to track funding sources and expenditure organizations for sponsored projects using delivered fields. To do this, you need to create layout sets that include these fields and profiles that link to the new layout sets.

To use the delivered time entry configurations with your own HCM groups, you only need to create time entry profiles. You can link the delivered value sets, time card fields, and layout sets to your HCM groups using your profiles.

Tip: To save time if you create your own objects, search for and duplicate the closest delivered project costing or project costing and payroll object.