Simple Salary Component Lookups

HR specialists and line managers can use simple salary components to itemize new or adjusted salary, to reflect the different reasons for their allocations. Here are the simple components bundled in the implementation:

  • Basic salary
  • Housing allowance
  • Special allowance
  • City allowance
  • Transport allowance
  • Travel allowance
  • Wage progression rate
  • Variable allowance
  • Overall salary

You can change or add components to the ORA_CMP_SIMPLE_SALARY_COMPS lookup type to better support your reporting policies for salary allocations. Use the Manage Common Lookups task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.


Simple component itemizations let you maintain the values for the components and you typically configure them to calculate new salary. When simple component values change, the salary record calculates the new salary amount. The payroll element holds this new salary amount, but it doesn't receive individual component amounts for processing.