Responsibility Templates REST Endpoints

Responsibility Templates
The areasOfResponsibilityTemplates resource provides the template details of a reusable responsibility.
Applies autoprovisioned responsibilities.
Method: post
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/
Assign sequence number to responsibility name
Method: post
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/
Create basic details for a responsibility template
Method: post
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/
Delete basic details for a responsibility template
Method: delete
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/{TemplateId}
Finds areas of responsibility template information
Method: post
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/
Finds areas of responsibility template information
Method: post
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/
Get basic details for a single responsibility template
Method: get
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/{TemplateId}
Get basic details for all responsibility templates
Method: get
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/
Restores autoprovisioned responsibilities.
Method: post
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/
Schedule autoprovisioning for a template
Method: post
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/
Update basic details for a responsibility template
Method: patch
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/{TemplateId}
Update the autoprovisioned responsibilities for the current responsibility template
Method: post
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/