Define Templates

Templates enable you to define the format for alert notifications.

To define templates for a Resource alert:

  1. On the Add Resource Alert page, click the Templates tab and then click Add Template.

  2. Enter a name for the template and select the default language. The character limit for template name is 80.

    By default, the template is enabled.

  3. Click Edit and select Manage Recipients and Message.

  4. On the Edit Template page, click Add Recipient.

  5. In the Communication Method column, select email or worklist from the list of values.

  6. In the Expression field:

    • Add the expression for the email address or user name of the recipient.

    • Add comma-delimited expressions for email addresses or user names of multiple recipients.


      1. Click the Expression icon to build the expression.

      2. In the Edit Expression dialog box, follow one of these steps:

        • In the Literal field, enter the expression directly, for example,

        • Select the parameters to build the expression, for example, ${workers.emails.EmailAddress}. See Functions and Groovy Expressionsfor more examples.

      3. Click Apply. The expression appears on the Edit Template page.

  7. In the Message section, set up the notification format.

    1. Select the HTML or Text format for the message text.

    2. Enter the message subject. You can also insert expressions in the subject using the Expression icon.

    3. In the Group By field, specify an expression for the attribute that the message should be grouped by.

    4. Use the rich text editor to format the message text. You can select options such as font, size, style, and so on.

    5. Enter the message text. You can also include expressions in the text.

      Use the Insert Expression option to build expressions and insert them into the message text.

  8. Click Apply to save the changes and return to the Add Resource Alert page.