External Candidates - View Interview Schedules

Candidates can check and review upcoming interview schedules.

This is an authenticated intent. It requires the candidate to either sign in to the career site or the digital assistant.

When the candidate wants to view their interview schedule, the digital assistant displays details such as the title, date, and time of the interview, along with a View Details link. Candidates can click this link to view more details on the Candidate Experience page.

Intended user: External candidate

Sample phrases you can use:

  • Show my upcoming interview
  • Upcoming interviews
  • Show me my interviews
  • Any interviews
  • Interview schedules
  • Schedule an interview
  • Any scheduled interviews
  • Interview discussions
  • Interview management
  • Any job interviews
  • Show job interviews
  • My job interviews
  • Scheduled job interviews
  • Do I have any job interviews
  • Want to know my job interviews

Sample synonyms/words: interview, schedule, job interview