Internal Candidate - Enhanced Job Search

When candidates ask the Recruiting Assistant to search for jobs, they're shown a list of jobs based on their city and job category. Candidates can either select from this list or enter a location and job category of their choice.

The ICE V2 skill supports synonyms for job locations, categories, and job functions. So candidates can type any location or job category of their choice using their preferred acronyms or keywords, when the administrator configures these synonyms. For example, if they want to search for jobs in San Francisco, they can say “Search for jobs in SFO” or “Find jobs in Bay Area”, and so on. From the list of displayed jobs, candidates can filter them by title to narrow down the number of jobs that they want to view.

When candidates want to start the job search, they can also type in a question in natural language such as “Can you find me product developer jobs with Java experience in the United States?”. The implementation of Machine Language (ML) entities in ICE V2 enables the Recruiting Assistant to identify the skill and job title from a candidate's question. The support for synonyms helps the Recruiting Assistant in identifying the job category, function, and location. Based on these, the user is presented with a list of available job categories to proceed with the job search.

Intended user: Internal candidate (employee)

Sample phrases you can use:

  • Find jobs
  • Find open positions
  • Job openings
  • Job search
  • Jobs
  • Find openings
  • Find job roles
  • Search for job opportunities
  • Open positions in Pleasanton, CA
  • Search for sales jobs

Sample synonyms/words: jobs, openings, opportunities, positions