Manager Self-Service

Initiate a Manager Self-Service (MSS) transaction by using a deep link to navigate to the application to search for the person you want to manage. Deep links make it easy to quickly launch the transaction.

Intended user: Line manager

The following manager self-service transactions are supported in the HCM skill. Users must have at least one direct report and the required privilege to perform these transactions.

Transaction Sample Phrases You Can Use
View Your Direct Reports
  • Show me my direct reports
  • Is there anyone in my team?
  • Retrieve all people who are in my charge
Change Work Location for Your Reports
  • You have the wrong location for Shiva Prasad
  • I want to update Zong Chang’s current location
  • Chris Parks location needs updating
  • I want to change John Smith’s location
Change Manager for Your Reports
  • I want to update the manager for my report
  • I need to alter Jing Hong manager details
  • I'd like to initiate a manager change for Bob Shaps
  • Update Harry Tompson's manager, it is now Vishal
Change Job Information for Your Reports
  • Cicele's job needs to be updated
  • How can I promote Daisy?
  • How can I change Ho Main’s title?
  • I want to update Zong Chang current job
Add and Change Assignments for Your Reports
  • Add employee assignment details
  • How can I put in a new assignment title for Ho Main?
  • Chris Parks needs a new assignment
  • You have no assignments for Shiva Prasad
  • Ho Mein workplace assignment isn't correct
  • Can I change Randall's assignment name?
  • Am I able to change John's business title
Change Working Hours for Your Reports
  • How to modify work hours for the employee?
  • Need to increase Mindy Gibbs hours
  • I need to change Lynda Marquez's total working time
  • Work schedule update is required for one of my colleagues
  • Add a new hire
  • Create a new hire
  • Hire an employee
View and Manage Your Direct Reports
  • Who are my reports?
  • Who's there in my team?
  • Am I in charge of anyone at work?
  • Is there a way to rearrange my team?
  • How can I manage Keisha Sosa's directs?
  • I'd like to move Jacob to a different team
  • Reassign Krishna to a new manager
View Onboarding Tasks for Your Reports
  • Please onboard employee
  • Do any of my pending workers have onboarding tasks to complete?
  • How do I take Lisa Bono onboard?
  • Start a journey for new employee
Terminate Your Reports
  • William Ronald wants to leave the company
  • Organize termination for Lisa
  • Enter separation for Payton Holloway
  • I'd like to update the termination date for Ning Ding
Transfer Your Reports
  • I want to make a change to department for Zei Ming
  • I need to relocate James to a different place
  • Update department for my team
  • Show me how to transfer employees
Note: You can't change personal or employment information such as contact information, phone number, email addresses, emergency contact information, job information, work location, nickname, HR or other representatives' information, and photo, for your coworkers or reports.

You can click any of the deep links to initiate the corresponding transaction.

Things to note: When you use a deep link for a transaction that includes a person's name (for example, ‘Promote John Smith’), you still need to search for and select the person after you navigate to the application. The digital assistant won't be able to pass the person’s name to the application through the deep link.