
View the details of your payslip and access the .pdf to the actual payslip. View your most recent payslip, the payslip for a specific month or pay period, or the last 3 payslips, for example.

Intended user: Employee

Sample phrases you can use:

  • Show me my payslip
  • What is my net pay?
  • How much did I get paid?
  • How much money did I make last paycheck?
  • Show my last 3 payslips
  • How much was deposited directly into my bank account?
  • Can I see my August paycheck?
  • Show me my March payslip
  • Have I been paid today?
  • Which bank is my paycheck deposited to?
Note: You can't view payslip information for your coworkers or reports.

Sample synonyms/words: payslip, paycheck, paycheque, check, deposited, paystub

Things to note: Regardless of how your phrase your questions or statements, if the digital assistant finds that they're all related to the payslip, it displays the same response for all of them. To get answers to more detailed questions, you can click the link and look at the actual payslip for that period.