
View your own salary or the salary of one of your employees. As a line manager, you can change the salary of your reports, but you can't change your salary details.

Intended users: Employee, line manager

Sample phrases you can use:

  • Show me my salary
  • What is my compensation?
  • Did I get my raise?
  • When was my last salary increase?
  • How much was my salary adjustment?
  • When was my last salary adjustment?
  • What is John Anderson current salary?
  • When was Alia's last raise?
  • Can I give Yusuf a raise?
  • When was Misthi’s last salary increase?
  • When was Suhail's last salary adjustment?
  • Give Bennett a raise
  • I want to adjust Ram Prasad's salary
  • I need to change my reports salary
  • I want to give Maya a salary increase
Sample synonyms/words: salary, pay rate, hourly rate, increase, salary adjustment, change, increase

Things to note: The digital assistant displays the same response for all questions that it finds are related to salary, regardless of what question you ask. If the person's salary has never changed, only the current information is displayed.

To change the salary of an employee, you need to navigate to the application using the deep link provided in the digital assistant.