Import and Load Data Page

After you submit a Data Loader type of flow pattern, for example, Load Batch from File or Initiate Spreadsheet Loader flow, you can view the loader process results on the Import and Load Data page in the Data Exchange area.

Submit the data loader flow from the Flow Submission page and drill down from the Checklist or Process Results Summary page to view the process results details on the Import and Load Data page. This is a View Only page and you can use the return arrow to navigate back to the Checklist or Process Results Summary page.

Use the View HCM Import and Load Results security privilege, so that you can access the Import and Load Data page in the Data Exchange area. With this new privilege you can view on the Import and Load Data page, the process results details of a flow that contains one or more tasks of the Data Loader or Reports type. You can only view the results for the data sets that you have submitted.

If you don't have access to the Data Exchange area, an error message is displayed when you click on the Data Loader process in the Process Results Summary page.