Process Results Pages

For completed tasks, you can view the process results in these pages:

  • Process Results Summary page

  • Process Results Details page

  • Person Process Results page

Process Results Summary Page

The Process Results Summary page displays by default processes that are submitted and completed in the last seven days. It displays processes with these statuses:

  • Critical Alerts

  • Completed

  • Completed With Alerts

  • In progress

The page doesn't display processes that are pending, scheduled, corrected, such as rolled-back. The default view displays all processes submitted in the last seven days. Use the filters to expand the date range.

Navigate to Payroll in My Client Groups from your Home page and click Process Results Summary under the Flow Submission and Results section. The Process Results Summary page opens.

Here's the list of tasks you can do on the Process Results Summary page:

  • Check the status of recently submitted processes.

    For example, before processing payments, as a payroll manager, you may want to review and ensure that all the payroll processes and reports have completed without any errors. If any of the person records have errors, use the Process Results page and search for a person record to see what the error is. You can return to the person's record to correct the errors, before resubmitting the payroll process.

  • Use the filter option to view flows as per your choice and for a wide range of filter choices such as LDG, payroll, submission date, submitted by, flow type, flow patterns, flow status, and so on.

  • Monitor the status of all processes and reports submitted across Legislative Data Groups.

  • Drill down to the Process Results Details page to access a specific process and view detailed information such as messages, output reports, and log files.

  • View single task parameters.

  • Take corrective action on records that have errors and submit the task.

  • Use the Submitted By field to filter on the person who has submitted a process. The Submitted By field is a free text field and you can only use the 'contains' filter option, you can't use any other filter option for this field.

Process Results Details Page

The Process Results Details page is accessible from a task in the Checklist or Process Results Summary pages. View further details of the selected task in these four sections on this page:

  • Person Process Results

  • Output and Log Files

  • Parameters

  • Linked Flows

Since this page is in the context of a process, you can view these details of a specific process and take corrective actions as required.

  • View error details for an employee by drilling down to the messages and reviewing the cause for the errors.

  • Identify employees with rolled-back records and ensure that the employee records are processed before moving onto the next downstream task in the process.

  • Identify employees marked for retry so that they're not left out. For example, after you have started the payroll run, you come to know that a few employees are eligible for a bonus or an extra raise. You identify these employee records and mark them for retry. After the process is completed, check the run results to ensure that the records marked for retry are processed. The employee reports should reflect receipt of the extra bonus or pay raise.

  • Drill down to the Output and Log Files section and view the employee-level output, such as the employee's statement of earnings or the payslip, to check if the corrections you made in their records reflect correctly.

  • Use the View Log column in the Output and Log Files section of the Process Results Details page to view the number of log files generated by a submitted process. Click on the log file name to view and download the log file and the attachments. You can only view and download log files returned by the processes that you have submitted or have permission to view.

Record Counts

View at a glance the number of records by status for a given process in the Process Results Details page. The number of records for each status is shown at the top of the page.

This table lists the status tiles of the records and their respective meaning.




Sum of all the other statuses and also indicates the total number of records.


Total number of records in error.

Use this tile to navigate to the Errors and Warnings page and view the details of the failed records.


Total number of records that are pending and have a status of 'Marked for Retry' or 'Not Started'.


Total number of records that are skipped or retroactively added to the process.


Total number of records processed successfully.

Note: In some cases, the Status Tiles aren't displayed. This depends on the type of processes and their statuses. Messages are displayed to inform you about this.

Use the Refresh button to refresh the number of records displayed for each status tile while the flow is in process.

Multiple Log Files

The Output and Log Files section of the Process Results Details page displays the log files generated for the process. The View Log column displays the log file name.

The process results page displays any sub-processes generated by the process such as child process results. Each sub-process result has a numeric, process identifier. The View Log column also displays the number of log files generated for each sub-process. Click on the log file name to view and download the log file and the attachments. In case the process generates multiple log files, the log file name displays a number with the name. Click on the number against the log file name to view the individual log files.

If the log file name doesn't display a number, it means that only a single log file is generated for the process.

You can only view and download log files returned by the processes that you have submitted or have permission to view.