How is the before and after assignment data displayed for transactions in the employment details page?

In the employment details page, the Summary of Employment Changes section only compares the before and after assignment data for the same assignment ID.

For the newly added assignment rows that are created as part of create flows, (for example, Add a Person, Rehire, Create Work Relationship, Global Temporary Assignment, Add Assignment) only the After column will be populated.

Note: The only exception is for a global transfer where the section compares the before and after assignment data only for the two assignments that were part of the global transfer.

When you insert a new effective dated row for an existing assignment (for example, during a Transfer or Promotion), the Summary of Employment Changes section displays the before and after assignment data because the update happens in the same assignment.

Note: The Summary of Employment Changes section doesn't show data for assignment key flexfields (KFF), such as People Group and Default Expense Account and extensible flexfields (EFF).